Farmer club projects are supporting small-scale farmers to develop agricultural, livestock, forestry and agro-business skills....
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Humana worldwide
Our goal with the second-hand shops is to provide financial support to projects in Bulgaria, Africa and India, within education, community development, sustainable agriculture, health and nutrition and environmental projects to improve the living condition for thousands of people and to empowering themselves to change their conditions.
For more information about our worldwide projects please follow the link below:
Entities connected to the Humana People to People network operate in 19 countries in Europe and North America, among them some of the world's richest countries. The basic philosophy is to generate funds and useful commodities from people who have, to people in other parts of the world who have not. Everybody can participate - for example by donating their used clothes to HUMANA to be re-used by sorting clothes for Africa and for the Humana Shops. Another way to support the HUMANA projects is to buy second hand clothes in Humana Shops.
Collecting, sorting and distributing
sorting and packing: In Europe, Humana collects second-hand clothes from 13 countries, with more than 30,000 containers, thus managing to collect over 130,000 tons / year. Humana People to People collaborates with municipalities and private entities to give people the opportunity to donate the used clothes to our organization. Clothes are collected and sent to a sorting center, from where the best pieces go to the distribution on the stores.
Sales in Europe and Africa
Sales in Europe and Africa
The collected clothes in western countries are either sold directly on the international market, or are treated in the sorting centers in Europe like in Bulgaria or Slovakia, some of the clothes are sold in Humana shops
Financing development projects
Financing projects
With the collection of second hand clothes, usable clothes do not end up in the landfills, and resources for production of new clothes are saved, with this Humana People to People help protect the environment create jobs and at the same time development with fundings generated from our shops after covering all the costs from our activities in the countries in Europe.
Humana Social projects and urban agricultural project in Bulgaria
Social projects
HUMANA Bulgaria restarted a program to deliver clothes to organizations that are in need of support and to provide clothes that in other way would be expensive to buy. With this activity we reached our main goal- to support and see people happy and smiling. The clothes are given two times per year, in order for the people to receive winter and summer clothes. Our work force is a volunteer activity.
We donated 1000-1500 kgs of clothes in each action. The packages contained clothes, textile and toys, divided by kind, gender and size for five care-homes - three for adults and two for childrens. Humana with this action not only is donating clothes but encouraging our employees to participate and feel pro-active on helping the people in need.
3C - Urban Agriculture Project
3C is a program of Human People to People to promote and protect the environment and sustainable agriculture in urban areas.
How do we do it?
We find 2000 sq.m. arable land;
We interview activists wishing to join the program;
We perform theoretical and practical training;
We elect 15 activists;
We provide each activist with 28.8 sq.m. arable land for production of products for own consumption;
We conduct 22 seminars;
We create an independent and sustainable team;
Duration of the program 2 years;