“From Me to You” National Poster Contest
The Humana People to People competition invites all creative individuals to visualize their ideas for what future they would like to build for themselves and the planet. The theme unites the vision of a better world with the responsibility we bear towards the environment.
“The Future I Want for You and Me”
Participants are invited to create posters that reflect their vision of a sustainable future where people live in harmony with nature and care about protecting our planet. What kind of world do you want to leave as a legacy? How can we together create a future that is better for you and everyone around you, while preserving natural resources and ecological balance?
The poster can be inspired by both the problems of the present and the idealistic vision of a better future.
The competition has no age restrictions. Posters should be sent to e-mail: contesthumana@gmail.com until 15.10.2024 inclusive.
Submitted works must be 297 x 420 mm (A3) in size in jpg and pdf formats, accompanied by personal information: three names, age, telephone and contact email.
Posters can be in Bulgarian or English.
Each participant can submit up to 3 poster projects.
Projects must not have been submitted to other competitions.
Posters received after the specified deadline will not be considered.
By participating in the competition, consent is given for the use of the work by the organizers when organizing exhibitions, special events, as well as for publications on social networks.
Prize fund:
The results will be announced on 31.10.2024, International Black Sea Day. Details of the award will be announced further.
For more information: phone 098 8982062 and on social networks (Humana People to People profile on Facebook and Instagram).
The best works, including those that do not rank in the first three places, will be exhibited in Humana People to People Bulgaria stores throughout the country.
We hope the contest will inspire people of all ages to visualize their ideas of what they would like to leave as a legacy to the world. The theme focuses on expressing personal commitment to the environment, society and the future, as well as values such as love, sharing, togetherness and cooperation.
“From me to you” is the good example that everyone should bring to the world as we build a world of values together.
About The Author: Gergana
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